San Francisco Acupuncture for Women's Health
With every transition comes a physical and emotional impact. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is extremely effective in treating symptoms associated with women's health conditions.
Symptoms like PMS, irregular periods, cramping, clotting, heavy or scantly flow, while ‘normal’ from a western point of view indicate, in Chinese medicine, imbalances or deficiencies that need to be corrected in order for you to experience optimal health. Menopause is seen as a time of transition but should have no symptoms other than the cessation of the menses.
At Blue Ova we treat women’s health conditions through regular acupuncture, Chinese herbs and supplements and dietary advice, restoring the body to harmony and ultimately treating the cause of the condition not just the symptoms.
We provide safe natural treatment for a range of menstrual and hormonal disorders including:
Pain and cramps before or during menstruation
Irregular periods
Heavy or Light periods
No periods – Amenorrhea
Mid-cycle bleeding
Mood swings associated with hormones
Hormone/Endocrine Imbalances
Ovarian Cysts
Breast tenderness
Abdominal distention and bloating
PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Premature Ovarian Failure
Cervical dysplasia
Fibrocystic Breasts
Pelvic Pain