In my practice, I have worked with thousands of men and women on their journey towards parenthood.  Infertility is defined as the biological inability of a man or a woman to contribute to conception, but very few men or women are truly infertile. Most who have been given a diagnosis of “infertility” are merely out of balance.

Fertility challenges may be due to a female factor in one-third of the cases, male factor in another one-third, and in the remaining one-third of cases the cause may be due to both partners or fall under unexplained infertility. TCM can aid natural fertility in women and men, as well as provide complementary support to assisted reproductive cycles. 

Lentil and Mushroom Burger

Lentil and Mushroom Burger

This month’s Blue Ova fertility recipe is a savory veggie burger patty made with nourishing lentils and mushrooms. Lentils are plant proteins and slow carbohydrates that are rich in fiber, iron and B vitamins, delivering superb fertility benefits. Shiitake mushrooms hold important properties, including the amino acid and antioxidants L-ergothionine for male fertility, and the antioxidant selenium for female fertility.


    How Energy Affects Fertility

    How Energy Affects Fertility

    Ever wonder how energy affects fertility? How does this happen? Everything is energy including our thoughts and belief patterns, other people’s thoughts and belief patterns, and even all that makes up our bodies. Many times things happen that cause energy to get stuck, be stagnant or leave an energetic imprint and this can affect fertility.  

    Oh My Sweet Potato "Thai" Soup

    Oh My Sweet Potato "Thai" Soup

    This month's fertility recipe was crafted by Health Coach, Nicolle Payne, and is a prefect nourishing meal for these cold winter evenings.  The beauty of this soup is its simplicity and bare ingredients, plus it provides a fertility packed boost from the sunny orange sweet potato. Rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, vitamin C, calcium, iron and antioxidants, the sweet potato offers excellent benefits for enhancing fertility.

    Sharing the Gift of Wellness: Homeless Prenatal Program

    Sharing the Gift of Wellness: Homeless Prenatal Program

    10% of all proceeds from Blue Ova Health gift card purchases will go directly to the Homeless Prenatal Program.  

    On this #GivingTuesday, we are excited to share the news of our partnership with the Homeless Prenatal Program.

    At Blue Ova Health, we believe every women and child should have access to prenatal care from the first trimester, for the health and well-being of the mother and child.

    We had a chance to tour the Homeless Prenatal Program's impressive facilities a few days ago, and met some of their incredible employees (over half of whom are former clients!), families and children. HPP’s mission, services and results completely blew us away.